The app for independent voices

Thanks for asking about this

! So, I start each week fresh with a Google Doc that looks like this.

I approach actually writing and responding to Notes in a totally organic manner. There are a few things I share regularly (my own posts, my inspirations for the week) but mostly I just see what’s happening in the conversations and respond conversationally and restack what feels relevant and interesting to me.

Every day or two, I go back through my “activity” tab and reflect on what’s been happening and begin to use that to fill in the blanks on that spreadsheet. By doing that, I notice patterns and trends in what people are talking about, I get more ideas about things that I’m curious to ask more about, etc. Usually I add my own extra notes into the Google Doc at that time.

At the end of the week, I move all of that to a new post in Substack. I add all of the “@” mentions and links, see if there are any other comments or thoughts I want to add, add in some buttons and polls and then share with all of you.

I love it. It really allows me to engage deeply with these conversations in a way that for me probably wouldn’t happen otherwise just because of how my own brain and attention work.

I essentially do the same thing for my Wednesday and Friday roundups except that in those cases I’m sharing themed content (writing on Wednesdays and art/mental health on Fridays) … with the latter one, I don’t have any specific categories so that’s more just free flow sharing what’s interesting me throughout the week.

Hope that makes sense. Questions welcome.

Riches overflow! Would love to know more about your process of note taking in order to feed it back to us with such organization and thought.

Sep 16, 2023
10:36 PM