
Mini Solo RPG Review! Cartograph Atlas Edition by Ravensridge Press!

Bottom line up front, I loved this mapping/world-building game. Real smooth map creation that has strong roleplaying elements.

I spent the weekend playing Catrograph. It’s a smooth game that uses D6s and a deck of cards, so something you’ll need to sit down at a table to play. The game has you rolling on the paper you’ll turn into your map, so be prepared.

First, you’ll make a cartographer. I made a bit of a fancy scientist with amazing hair who racked up a huge debt to fund his expedition.

Next you start your adventure, mine started when my cartographer was exploring caves and fell through to an unexplored land under ground.

Then you explore with a combination of throwing dice on the paper, resource management, and random prompts. My cartographer explored a land where the people have no mouth and communicate via grunts. The water shimmers, and beasts prowl the land.

After making a friend I named Grunt, and finding an oracle that told me of a great power to the north, my Cartographer completed their map by finding an enormous mushroom that led them home.

Overall, I had a blast and I look forward to jumping into this world I created and making a new map using Cartograph in the future.

I recommend checking Catrograph out when you get a chance. See below of my map as I explored around!…
