Hey sober folks,

I posted a Note last night asking for your thoughts…but deleted it because I was running a little hot at the time of posting.

However, I would love your thoughts!

I had someone show up on SoberStack (the free annotated directory where I list Substack writers who focus on recovery and sobriety) and say: “Apparently the principle of service is lost upon you Dana Leigh Lyons.”

He went on to explain that his comment was in response to the fact that I have paid tiers on my Substack (i.e., same as many people on the platform). Because I’m writing about recovery and sobriety, he implied that I should not be charging for paid subs.

I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. And will be writing an essay on the topic of charging for content and services related to recovery and sobriety.

I’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Thank you. ❤️
