I already agreed just based on the article title. The better and more humanly we treat people, including and maybe especially people who have opinions different from ours, the better outcomes will be.

Much of our differences and refusal to change our opinions or accept another's opinion is due to the fact insults and demeaning rhetoric toward anyone who does not agree have become the norm. People are not going to change their opinion if they feel you do not respect them, they're going to double down.

Approaching them using genuine respect and some humility, and understanding that you may be in part or wholly wrong, is both a more effective and more human choice.

And in the odd situation where the other person is completely wrong on a given topic, remember that we as human beings are often totally wrong.

I'd add that one must beware the efforts of the media and politicians to sell us polarizing narratives that are gratifying to our egos ("We are the intelligent and morally good people and those other people are stupid or evil").

If we would like our country to be better we need to treat each other more graciously.

Jan 8
7:15 PM