
I’m not surprised that most traditional media companies are instinctively rejecting Substack at this point, but I am a bit surprised that none of them has seized the obvious opportunity this presents to claim audience share within the Substack ecosystem.

It’s not quite the same thing, but this is part of why I pushed for

to start our Substack when we did. We don’t have the natural audience that a big publication would have, but I have to think we’ll get some advantage just from being an early adopter within the institutional space. you’re welcome to feature our ‘stack as an example of a traditional institution hopping on board the Substack train.

“Some news outlets have barred their reporters from having substacks, even if they are allowed to be on X. No traditional news organizations have set up Substack publications of their own. Sometimes, these outlets refuse to link to, or even name, Substack in their articles. ”
Traditional media and Substack can grow together