We would probably agree on 90% of things. Our diet is killing us: my father died from type 2 diabetes.

I don't work for corporate agriculture. I don't like big Ag. I work for a farmer owned coop. My 30 + year career's mission has been about helping the farmers in my community be competitive through integrated crop Management, IPM, environmental compliance, etc.

My local experience doesn't support your theory that we are killing the planet. Are we killing small producers and people with our diets,? Yes.

I appreciate that you feel very passionately about agriculture.

But assuming I am a shill for corporate agriculture or don't have a garden did piss me off. But so does that lady on Chris's podcast that Is so condescending towards farmers. It turns off us folks like me who are willing to listen to different perspectives and open to changing our views.

Aug 5
8:41 PM