good morning, authors and artists . . . i present here the pearl crescent butterfly (Phyciodes tharos) . . . this is a small one, same size as skippers and sulphurs . . . i invite you to enlarge the image and consider her detasils because at a casual glance she’s not as bold and striking as the large and brightly colored butters but looking closely reveals design wonders . . . notice that the tips of her antennae are golden to match her color scheme . . . her atennae are banded stripes, there is fine fringe at the edges of her fore and aft wings . . . there is a spritz of gold dappling here and there, the symmetry of left to right wings is perfection and lastly, at the base of her antennae and just above her eyes you’ll find two tufted gold and brown eyelids . . . when you pause and consider, there is much to admire in the designs of living beings large and small.