Armed with what can fairly be called “calibration” of these toxins, when next they lie to us about non-existent “pandemic”, the perpetrators will know exactly what fraction of the population they expect to kill.
Key point here, in my opinion.
It would have been almost impossible to monitor individual injection outcomes from end to end, but presumably toxicity trials were done well before the covid years, when these injectable products were first developed.
Those controlling the rollout would have had an idea for what to expect and be seeking statistical corroboration on a massive scale, and for every conceivable demographic group.
By subtly altering expected toxicity by a particular amount, for a particular number of lots, and for a ringfenced demographic, it would be relatively simple to subsequently locate expected mortality and injury signals.
For example, take two similar demographic sets of people, say 70-80yo in a particular US state divided into north and south. Ensure batches most likely to reach the north set are 10x as toxic as the south set, which acts as a baseline control.
If resulting mortality/injury data approximately shows a 10x increase in the north, that’s strong evidence that the injectable works as expected. If that number is higher or lower than 10x, it means other factors must be controlled to get the expected outcomes.
The data from and other researchers suggests this type of experimentation is what was really going on.