
After my dad passed away on New Year's Day 2021, I reflected as I drove mom, in her small Pacific Northwest town, around on errands. As a professional photographer for many years I always appreciated the quick simplicity of having a phone camera for moments, creativity, etc. It's what Instagram’s “original” intention was all about (and I enjoyed it until…)

These are a few from this tough time when my entire life was at question (& why I would begin to eventually write here) For

“Reflection” contest. I never do this and I grieved so hard I couldn't lift my real cameras or work for awhile. Thank you for such a nice space 🙌🏻

Give me liberty. Tell me your history in the gravel underneath…

Photo Challenge - Reflection
This week it's all about capturing Reflection. Reflection can be many things and mean different things to different people and I want to emphasize that. So get as creative as you can with this one.