
‘My Friend’s Descent into Madness and Bloodshed’: An American Tragedy

A parable of our society. Believing that patent madness is overcome by good intentions. Letting violent vagrants roam our streets and hoping that they'll follow their "better angels." Mutilating children in the vain belief that we're gods and can alter their sex on whim. Opening our borders to uneducated, third world hordes and pretending we'll still be America. Releasing violent sociopaths and defunding police departments. Basing our energy grid on pinwheels and panels, with a blind eye to the…

Democrats are pagan savages.

Unlike moral people, they extract a feeling of virtue only from permissiveness and tolerance. As such, the more extreme the thing they tolerate the more virtuous they feel. That’s why this will continue to descend into hell.

Pedophilia is standing in the on-deck circle right now swinging a giant dildo instead of a baseball bat.

“Nothing is true and everything is permitted.”

IS the Democrat creed. It’s also a quote from an Arab warlord who died in the 1100s.

They are barbarians.

To say all Democrats are "pagan savages" is like saying that all Republicans are racists. Both are untrue and do nothing to enlighten the conversation.

Hi Deirdre,

Have you ever told a Democrat to stop calling conservatives racist? How often? I only ask because they’ve been calling us racist, literally nonstop, for several decades, so you’ve had about 38 million opportunities.

They smear the opposition violently and relentlessly and it 100% works. That’s one of the reasons I do it. That and the fact that it is true.


I am a Democrat. I grew up with a mother who is a Republican and a father who is a Democrat. I look at people individually and not as a group. I am conservative in many ways and liberal in other ways. I am not "party first" because I distrust most politicians. I am not a sheep.

Not to repeat myself but again in agreement. I was raised by nice Reform Jewish parents who were of course politically liberal, though by no means the extreme version of same we see today. As a Christian and now a conservative (or moderate, or independent, or liberal depending on the topic) I think you've got to evaluate people individually.

If I say I am a conservative on social media platforms like Quora I am immediately attacked as if I'm a gun-toting MAGA Trump supporter, people who are as f…

Dan-- Interesting. I just returned to the church and maybe that's why I have a similar view. I see all kinds of people at church with a variety of political and social views.

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Apr 24, 2023
5:00 PM