Here, Mike Yeadon explains the depth and significance of our work on all-cause mortality.

I had sent Mike a copy of our first large paper of 25 October 2021 on the USA. He said he had no time to read papers during this battle. I insisted that he should read this one… he did and he got it!

My first of many reports on this topic was this one from 2 June 2020 (it has aged well):

“All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response” —…

Mike focuses on one of our observations, in particular, that there was no excess all-cause mortality prior to the WHO declaration… and that is a brilliant argument.

Former Pfizer VP: Why Evidence Is Lacking for the Existence of COVID-19 ‘Virus’ or Any Other – Lifesite News
Jul 22
1:40 PM