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Joe, thank you so much for the entertainment. You demonstrate that Donald Trump, the accomplished builder that he is, has built a rent free zone in your head along with all the other low IQ Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness sufferers. It’s like the politically incorrect joke of “hiring the handicapped because you’re fun to watch”. Anyone who quotes the Worthless comPost demonstrates that they are at the bottom of the IQ curve.

Joe, do you even know the definition of “traitor”? How exactly is President Trump a traitor? How aren’t the Biden and Clinton crime families not traitors? And I’m sorry that this is all so complicated for your limited intellect but tell me which State Senate hearings did you watch with dozens of witnesses and hundreds of sworn affidavits of 2020 election fraud?

Joe, the intelligent part of the country doesn’t want to be like California or New York. That is why people who make products, services and business, not those living off of the government teat, are en masse moving out of blue states to red states. Check the UHaul rates.

The real question is how will Cackling Kamala do in a rigged debate on partisan ABC on Sept. 10 when everyone on the top half of the IQ curve knows that Harris will be feed the questions in advance (like Donna Brazile did for Hillary Clinton in 2016)? There is word that Hollywood actor coaches are already prepping Harris. The second real question is how many voters will actually believe the act? Well, it’s known that that TV is targeted to a 4th grade audience. But the Vegas odds are on Trump. Read ‘em and weep!

Sep 1
1:57 AM