In my eyes, Aaron Bushnell was not mentally ill in the sense that the media and stat quo etc has us “believing.” This society is very sick and wants us to accept the brutal coldness of this predatory society or else be cast aside drastically by means of poverty, or imprisonment, or homelessness, or many other types of oppression that are not visible to many. While others turn a blind eye knowingly just to save their own lives.

I’m not one to say I’m half as brave as Aaron. He knew that all the protests in the world would not stop the military industrial complex and the politicians etc. God help us because it’s only going to get worse. They want to make that bible prophecies and all come true. But I believe it doesn’t have to be this destructive way but then, my view is in the minority.

I too don’t encourage anyone to do what Aaron Bushnell did but one would think or even hope that the politicians might have the guts to stand up for what is right and fight for what is right for once. I don’t know. I’m thoroughly discouraged right now. Such a heart wrenching and soulless unloving world.

My dad told us as kids, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Oct 20
4:25 AM