99% of the white stripes you see in the sky are above 20,000 feet and are normal contrails. Every aircraft flying above 18,000 feet must be on a filed flight plan and must have a transponder that shows the altitude of the aircraft. There is no switch in the cockpit to turn contrails on and off. If any intentional spraying is being done in flight patterns, it will be at 15,000 feet and below where you can clearly see the aircraft and something being sprayed from it. These would not have to be on a flight plan and can fly any pattern they want. Personally, I have never seen anything being sprayed from aircraft at those altitudes. Some spraying is being done by smaller aircraft, but not a lot. Usually these aircraft are seeding clouds that are already there, trying to get them to precipitate rain or snow, so you wouldn't be able to see them from the ground due to the clouds. In my 33 years of flying at high altitudes above lower clouds, I have never seen any aircraft below me and below 15,000 feet spraying anything at all.
The military is experimenting with SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection), but not to the extent people think. This is being done at high altitudes, trying to reflect back out some of the solar radiation that reaches the earth.
If there was anything in jet fuel that is used on passenger aircraft, trying to geoengineer the atmosphere, it would be highly concentrated in the soil around major airports. It's not.
In my opinion, trying to get people to think that passenger jets are spraying and poisoning us is all part of the plan. If enough of us believe it, commercial flights within the borders of countries will be eventually prohibited, and people will be forced to travel by high speed trains or other "geofriendly" methods. They want us in those 15 minute cities you may have heard about.
Read my substack on chemtrails: