
Safe mRNA vaccines are an immunological impossibility.

When your body expresses the NON-SELF protein encoded by the mRNA, your immune system will attack & kill every cell that expresses it.

Ask Sucharit Bhakdhi. Ask any immunology textbook.

How wonderful is it that you can go to war with non-self antigens, yet be at peace with your own body?

We know the answer. When you’re formed, your immune system is capable of attacking more or less EVERYTHING.

But in a grace period, early In development, your immune systems is shown the repertoire of every one of the randomly formed T- and B-cells. Every clone which recognises you, or SELF, is removed. Told to commit suicide. It’s called “Clonal Deletion”. Now you tolerate self. Unless you develop some illness, which we call autoimmune diseases, like RA.

However, everything else your cells recognise is by definition NON-SELF.

Every mRNA will encode non-self, and you will attack it.

It guarantees tissue injury.

Please do not accept any such product.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

30+ year veteran Biopharma R&D executive

20 replies
16 Restacks
7:37 AM
Apr 22, 2023