I think this may be my most powerful summary of why the injections are undoubtedly intentionally harmful. I don’t need to be right in all particulars. If any of my chosen examples are true, the conclusion is inescapable. There are many more ways in which the stated designs can only be harmful.

Do also note that there’s no argument that might justify “taking a risk” for at least two reasons. Firstly, nothing was happening that wasn’t deliberate propaganda and carefully chosen to be harmful (eg inappropriate treatment of patients in hospitals and residents of care homes). Secondly, even according to the mendacious narrative of a novel virus, infection thereby & attempted protection via a “vaccine”, one would definitely not go about it this way, as I explain.

Finally, I have gained nothing from my activities over the past four & a half years and I seek nothing from this video other than that as many people as possible see it and can decide for themselves what it means.

Thank you for being willing to share it as widely as you are able.

Best wishes


Silver Bullet Day
14 Replies
24 Restacks
7:20 AM
Nov 19