
Interesting story about misheard lyrics

, ):

I just recently learned that

1) “Jesus Was a Crossmaker” (which I know from Warren Zevon’s recording) is a cover, and was originally written by Judee Sill:

2) I had completely misunderstood the lyrics.

The chorus is “He's a bandit and a heart breaker /Oh, but Jesus was a cross maker”

By which Sills meant that the fact that Jesus made crosses (participating in violence and repression) is a sign that everyone can be saved — “Same time, I was having a really unhappy romance with this guy: he was a bandit, and a heartbreaker. So one morning I woke up and realised that "he's a bandit and a heartbreaker" rhymes with "but Jesus was a crossmaker". And I knew that even that wretched bastard was not beyond redemption. It's true, it's true; I swear. It saved me, this song.”

I had misheard the line as “He’s abandoned and a heartbreaker” as, without thinking about the lyrics too carefully assumed that “He” was Jesus and that the song was evoking a similar emotional terrain as “Gethsemane” from Jesus Christ Superstar (I should note, I’m not very religious) and was saying, “trying for salvation doesn’t mean avoiding fear or emotional difficulties — Jesus had to go knowingly to his fate and may have felt afraid and abandoned.

Here’s Warren Zevon’s cover, which I do really like:
