I fully agree that the window of opportunity is there. Less because of DOGE's claims and actions than because the whole atmosphere -- not just Trump, and not just people on Trump's side -- is becoming more and more chaotic.
This may -- MAY -- be the visible starting point of the system collapsing beneath the weight of its own contradictions, etc. If so, hopefully we can take advantage of that to create the next set of institutions, and have them not be Westphalian Model state style institutions.
1) yes, definitely not saying they shouldn't be done - and many of the things cut had harms far beyond "the money they cost". Defunding executive branch stuff (like CPFB) is also 100% legal and a good first step.
2) and 3): Yes, but "congress" is a (imperfect, yes) proxy for "public support." If " Congress will go back to its old ways" you are obviously right: we're screwed. So that's the problem that needs to be fixed! Trump has obviously shown willingness to threaten, browbeat and encourage…
💥💥💥💥 this was delightful to read. Eactly what I thought. Jeez. The time for Underthrow has come. And the *WE* can only happen if we organize as a Network to oppose and Abolish Congress. That's the enemy, the Peruvian political class proves it. The argentinian properly called it a *casta* (it's the glob)
But we never had a real chance to destroy them. Culturally under the spell of representatives and technologicaly trap with the printing press. DOGE is the sign we have been waiting for to disrupt and destroy the monopoly on political representation 💥
I am a member of an informal technical nation called Immortalis which is growing rapid;y and has about 1000 members in 42 nations. It operates on the theory that when we under throw all the world's governments, there will be no one to stand in the way of human progress and science and humans will solve all the problems of diseases and, eventually, death itself, making all the survivors 'immortals[' with the exception of accidents and criminals. The head of Immortalis is meeting in March with Mi…
good job Max, well done! and you might be right about the "collapse likely coming" on Trump's watch. BUT...we might pause before dismissing or underestimating he Deep State's abilities. they just might don their friendly olive branch coat of arms -- to subvert, overwhelm & smother Trump & his MAGAs...with a tsunami of bi-partisan "cooperation" and "good will" and a "deep patriotic devotion to Unity". just dilutes by watering down any lasting harm Trump might do, to their "long-game" agenda.
nor …
Excellent piece, and great comments below.
Over the last few months, I have ramped up my efforts to expose people to anarcho-libertarian ideas (with the zeal of a comparatively new convert!), and what Munger describes above is one of the biggest impediments I am encountering. This prompted me to admonish, in my piece yesterday,
"The question is not whether voluntary order will work better than how government describes itself on is own brochure—as a mystically impartial protector that is doing its…