The app for independent voices

First, I salute you on your mission! It's an old book now, but I really liked Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project when it came out; not that you even said you wanted book recs (here, I am, just jumping in anyways, like a total Kuppet!) LOL! All to say, "You got this! I'm excited for you!"

ALSO, I love, love, love art thrift stores! :) There's an amazing one a few neighborhoods over from us and I'm always having to remind myself that I should TAKE stuff there, not buy more. Ah, well. :) Grist for the artistic mill--and such a low-stakes way to try out new things!

I also love your thoughts on translations! I think translations are fascinating, too. I loved reading this article about the translation challenges that crept up when they sold the foreign rights for Carson Ellis's Du Iz Tak?…

THOUGH--don't worry about reading anything! Only if you want to, OF COURSE!! Hugs, Captain Falatko!

Jul 13, 2023
11:28 PM