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The COVID-19 Response Inquiry report, which supports the pandemic industry going forward, is compromised via authors with conflicts of interest, e.g. Catherine Bennett was an avid promoter of the COVID-19 vaccine products.

See this SBS article: COVID-19 boosters are ‘definitely worth it', says leading epidemiologist, updated 2 August 2022:…

In this article Catherine Bennett is asked the question: "ATAGI has recommended the fourth dose or a second booster dose for people aged 30 and over. How do you see this development?" Catherine Bennett responds: "For the first two months or so, a second booster reduces infection rates and may help reduce the number of infections or reinfections we have through winter. People in their 30s have some of the highest reported infection rates. Boosters can also help reduce symptoms and the risk of an infection developing into more severe disease as well. That gets more important as you get older, so that is why ATAGI may recommend the fourth dose for anyone 50 and over now."

Is Catherine Bennett actually qualified to speak on 'COVID-19' and 'COVID-19' vaccine products, and 'recommend' these medical interventions to mass populations?

Experts shred Australia's Covid-19 Inquiry
Nov 4
12:53 AM