
Interesting pov Alan. I listened to David French’s post a few times before I could make up my mind one way or the other. while you also say that voting for a 3rd party candidate who probably won’t win, you mention at the end, “ long difficult work of cultural renewal” - what does that look like to you? Personally? As a human, brother, father, husband, professor, writer? I would love to hear what you personally can do in your little circle to renew culture? What I am seeing over the last two decades of having lived in this country as an Indian immigrant is the breakdown of community - community is a mess. Evangelical Christian white Americans do not know what it is to live in organic community- culture is broken down, its hyper individualistic and renewal is going to take a hard 180 for every family. Gosh, we cannot keep people in churches, talk to students in colleges - most of them are disillusioned! We have a child at Baylor and you should hear them discuss what they long for in authentic Christian community and discipleship- its no wonder our children are walking away from the church. They love Jesus but they don’t care much for the way the culture looks -from an evangelistic pov. I appreciate David French for sharing his view so openly and taking flak from so many people. I appreciate him writing for NYT where a voice and heart like his is needed. Maybe if we all stepped out of the Christian bubble and actually lived in a world where the divine physician is needed and where we can show Christ’s love to those in the darkness we would see a cultural renewal. I am so tired of seeing Christians stick in Christian bubbles of friends, community, academia, seminary, its is so hyper incestuos - its no wonder there is a lack of cultural renewal! Maybe you could give us a few point to consider what that renewal looks like for each of us in our suburbs, neighborhoods, PTA’s and towns! It’s all well and done for us writers to share our thoughts where we can be encouraged by others and have our words shared in this little corner of the writer’s world -but this is not where cultural renewal happens. It happens in real life -flesh & blood, hard conversations with those who do not look like us , talk like us or think like us. We are also called to practice what we preach are’nt we? Apologies if I seem to have come on strong but this week has been insane and it’s probably time to go for a walk and turn off the news cycle and even stop reading so much good writing:)

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2:58 PM
Aug 23, 2024