

Today is a day of losing things!!! Subscribers, work, my marbles 😂

This morning whilst in the brilliant

Heartleap writing hour (my absolute go-to twice a week), I finished my latest Substack piece. You know - the one that was dripping with brilliance, the one that was going to go ‘viral’ and shower me with glory and orange ticks…

But as I pressed ‘publish’ something glitched. Like ‘old school’ glitch, and my piece was gone. This NEVER happens on Substack!! But there it was. Vanished. No trace of my Pulitzer-winning piece.

I had a small cry, my second of the day, and decided to head to the lake. Having received a brilliant message on the way to swear into the water (thank you Maria), I arrived and gave the lifeguard a huge hug.

‘I’ve lost all my work today’ I exclaimed

‘But then it was meant to be lost’ he replied in true Yoda fashion. ‘Go swim, clear your mind, write something better’

I laughed, swam, didn’t swear (remarkably) and now feel renewed. I’ll write something else, and let the imprint of the other remain somewhere in the ether. All is not lost 🥰
