Enlightened Archivist 

Never thought I would end up a rebel
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My heart breaks for RFKJr because his family has been brain-washed by the Biden/Harris regime. Sadly this neurosis goes back to the time when Bobby knew what was in the vaccines and warned people against them. He was ahead of the research and unfortunately, the family has turned their backs on him when He is a true pioneer.

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And to your point, more of us should start refusing to go along with it, fearing that we’ll offend someone! They’re not a trans woman, they’re a guy pretending to be a woman. They’re not Minor Attracted Persons, they’re pedophiles. They’re not undocumented immigrants, they’re illegal aliens. Using their terminology gives them legitimacy. We need to call them what they are!

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In reading this, I can’t help but think how people of faith are at an historic crossroads. We can no longer afford the luxury of hunkering down in our churches and depending on the relative comfort of separation from the world. While it is true we should be “in the world but not of the world,” the rubber needs to meet the road. What would God have us do? Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers. We need to speak truth to evil. That’s what Jesus would do.