We need a six month moratorium on all articles using current box office to predict the doom/demise of theaters.

We knew this was coming!

We predicted it last October! Everyone! In town!!!Sans the strikes, box office is likely at $10B+ in America this year.

Therefore...it isn't "theaters" that are in trouble, but the lack of inventory directly due to a five month work stoppage.

That's literally the entire story.Again, sans strikes we'd likely have articles as we did circa 2019 arguing if we need more weekends in the calendar.here

calendar.here's the analogy: your doctor says you need knee surgery to replace some torn ligaments. The surgery will have a couple month recovery, but after that, you have the surgery. And you feel worse than before the surgery.

That's what the doctor predicted! It will get better!

May 31
4:18 PM