Yes! My son, back in 1998, when he was a little guy, got a bunch of shots, when we went for his appointment at the doctor, because the doc recommended them and because I thought it was the “right thing to do.” I am convinced that my son had a reaction to the MMR vaccine and started to display ADHD symptoms—after the high fever and extreme irritability. When my daughter came along, four years later, we did not give her any shots after doing research into them. She was in perfect health for 14 years. And then, when it was time to go to high school, she was very mad at me (for being a “crazy anti vaxxer”) because she had to have shots to enter, so she ended up getting all of them. (She had gone to a private school that didn’t require shots up until that time). After the shots, she began to have one symptom after another of ill health: anxiety, depression, skin problems, sick all the time, stomach upset, insomnia, etc. And when the Covid shots came out, she thought that she was being “good” by running out and getting both initial shots and then eventually the booster, so she could attend her college in North Carolina. Now she is suffering from constant gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea, nausea, bloating, cramping, and on and on. When she goes to the doctor, they just give her Metamucil and tell her to take that and everything will be fine. I know that the shots did this to her. I know they are related and I don’t know what to do. I have gotten some good advice before from people on here, for what to try, but the problem is that I can’t even talk to her because she thinks I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. So she discounts everything that I say now. I am so angry about this that I can’t even begin to tell you.