
Thank you for this essay. I fundamentally agree with you, and you've touched on a number of points that need careful consideration. In particular, as it pertains to this controversy, there is a need for a thorough examination of what "identity" means from a psychological point of view, and the complex interacting factors that shape it. I appreciate the fact that you addressed some of these issues. Clearly, people do have 'gender identities' just like they have identities pertaining to other societal roles and self-perceptions.…

But, as you said, this phenomenon is being exploited by ideologues without any clear understanding of what it means to have an 'identity,' or any recognition of the fact that identities change – sometimes rapidly. Again, as you've pointed out, much of the ideology is driven by fundamental misunderstandings of biological psychology and neuroscience, as evidenced in the use of terms like "girl brain," and the erroneous assumption that there are identifiable neural (anatomical) structures or genetic profiles that give rise to being "trans." Again, thank you for this clearly written, thoughtful essay. Sincerely, Frederick

They Keep Getting Younger and Younger
A new article confirmed what many of us already knew: “The mean age of gender dysphoria diagnosis is decreasing.” But why?