"The effective capture of major western political parties by the PMC ideology disguises this to some extent, but opinion polls and referenda show with great clarity that western electorates want something else."
Mediating further upon this, and using the United States as a leading example, I would not say that both legacy parties are PMC mouthpieces. Team D is the political manifestation of the class consciousness of the PMC, while Team R is the Local Gentry at politics. (This is one reason why Team D are staffed by Front Row Kids, while Team R features a lot more muffler shop owners, Land Grant State U graduates, and former football stars). Think of this like the 19th Century Whigs and Tories, the court party vs the country party.
However, the PMC is the hegemonic class, which in means that PMC values are deemed normative, axiomatic, even. So even when Team R opposes Team D, it does so using PMC-coded language and assumes PMC values, because its members cannot imagine things being any different.