In today's Letter, Heather speculates that given The Republican Party's furor over Corporate America's cold shoulder since January 6th attempted Insurrection, there may be an even bigger split in the Party. Could the Republicans get by without their best friend and depend mostly on small donations? Reading the following may give pause to Heather's speculation of a deep split between The Republican Party and its dance partner.
I've been keeping the following information for a time like this.
from: Public Citizen APRIL 5, 2021
'The Corporate Sponsors of Voter Suppression'
'Since 2015, Corporations Have Contributed $50 Million to the State Lawmakers Supporting Voter Suppression Bills, Trade Groups Have Given Another $36 Million'
'Key Findings'
'Corporations have contributed $50 million since 2015 to state legislators supporting voter suppression bills, including $22 million during the 2020 election cycle. More than 60 corporations have contributed more than $100,000.
Among the Fortune 100, 81 companies have contributed to these lawmakers, giving a combined total of $7.7 million.
Among the Fortune 500, 45 percent of companies have contributed to these lawmakers, giving a combined total of $12.8 million.'
Industry trade groups contributed $36 million to state legislators supporting voter suppression bills, including $16 million during the 2020 election cycle.'
•Three-fourths companies that paused some or all political contributions in response to the January 6 Capitol insurrection have contributed to state legislators who are supporting voter suppression legislation.
• AT&T has given the most to supporters of state-level voter suppression bills, at more than $811,000. AT&T is followed by Altria / Philip Morris ($679,000), Comcast ($440,000), UnitedHealth Group ($411,000), Walmart ($377,000), State Farm ($315,000) and Pfizer ($308,000).'
You cannot miss the names of the companies, which have been major supporters of the Republican state legislatures and bankrolling all that voter suppression stuff. When you think about the problems we've got, think about the Democratic Party, too. Howard Dean, when Chairman of Democratic National Committee, successfully implemented the fifty-state-strategy, which met with great success. Naturally, the Party didn't stick with it.
Public Citizen is just one source. The big bankers behind Right Wing (anti-government, anti-regulations, anti-taxi, ANTI-CLIMATE CRISIS are CHARLES and DAVID KOCH. David died in 2019, but what is Charles up to? There are a lot of Big Money Men still alive, and they are not going to make love to the Democratic Party. Oh no, there are a few crumbs left in the Republic Party, who of them would turn a date with these companies?
Below is the link to Public Citizen's web site: