The app for independent voices

We will be apologizing forever for this. I wouldn’t trust America anymore. I remember visiting my relatives in France, and apologizing for W. He had a negative effect on the world with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The felon is a whole other level of fucked. Shit, I don’t trust my fellow Americans anymore. I really thought we had this one in the bag. I really believed we were better than this. We’re not. In the United States, 21% of adults, or 43 million people, have low literacy skills. This means they have difficulty with tasks like comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences. 54% of adults have a literacy level below the 6th grade, and 45 million are functionally illiterate and read below a 5th grade level.

if anyone wonders why Republicans want to abolish the Department of Education and not fund public schools properly. There it is. They can manipulate the uneducated or under educated. You can sell them shitty fast food, tell them that babies are being aborted after they’re born, or that Trans operations are being performed by teachers in schools, or Haitians are eating dogs and cats in Ohio, and they will believe it. Hook. Line. And sinker.

Dec 22
4:00 PM