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I know there is plenty of criticism of Warren Buffett. The thing is, can you fault anything that I have said here, or any of his advice? I was married into California "old money" (as old as it can get in California which isn't that old) and I can tell you, the surface hid a multitude of sins, I've written a bit about that tragedy elsewhe…

Warren Buffet & the End of Frugality, Honesty, and the Value of a Dollar

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If Trump Blows it on Speech, the World is Screwed

In avoiding press scrutiny, Carney reinforces the impression that he’s not just unelected but unaccountable.

'An Unelected Technocrat'

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Warren Buffet & the End of Frugality, Honesty, and the Value of a Dollar

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“Everyone knows what happens to ordinary people who speak out.”

Speaking out in the UK against immigration could get you labeled as “far right” and earn a visit to your doorstep from the police.

In This English Village, Asylum Seekers May Soon Outnumber the Locals
The "they're all in it together" rebuttal canard

The world is already under the full control of a worldwide crime syndicate. Everything we see is just window dressing.

There are long term ugly plans.

I wrote about them here:


Any timeline on when this “mother of all false flag events” will play out? I’m not suggesting that you are clairvoyant, but I am interested in your opinion.

Moi? Clairvoyant? Of course I am! 🤣😂

Given that the dumb fucker US and UK and other equally stupid NATO mobsters have sent their battleships into the Mediterranean to hover menacingly around the Levant, I would say that the false flag event as I described in my article, is IMMINENT.

Is that helpful?

A major historical Illuminati Mason is purported to have said that the Third World War (which the powers will orchestrate) will be between the zionists and Islam, with the goal to destroy both. Reasonable prognostication? Sure.

you are referring to Albert Pike- he didn't say it, if he had said it it would have been in code/cypher. If you bother to read his brilliant, yet much maligned book Morals & Dogma (which was uncannily unpopular among most Masons for most of its existence!) you will also realise the alleged letter is totally unlike his other writings , sensibilities and inclinations.

I went to the British Library/museum to find that note over 25 years ago ( I had a journalist pass at the time) - the Museum & libr…

“Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry”, written by Albert Pike, is described as "a collection of thirty-two essays which provide a philosophical rationale for the degrees (membership levels) of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The lectures provided a backdrop for the degrees by giving lessons in comparative religion, history, and philosophy” and is way too occult and esoteric for my liking. Others’ mileage may vary. If (so-called) “the spirituality of…

Hey Gary (I’m not a mensch 😂) who gives a shit what you think about such things when you are clearly some triggered bigot having a bitch about matters beyond your influence, or even comprehension? I've known RAM for years , and I doubt you or anyone you know has had more grief from Masons over the decades, and here you are being a rancid muleworm dribbling crap.

You are a big part of the problem Gary- sort yourself out, apologies or face instant Karma for your transgressions.

From your manner it…

Ram is an idiot for supporting Albert Pike.

So, in your deranged mind 'I'm AN IDIOT BECAUSE I'VE ACTUALLY READ PIKE & judge him from his writting and actions in life ?!!!!


Maybe knobbing dogs all day has effected your sensibilities until you are now some snivelling masochist who deliberately causes abuse towards yourself Gary? Only an utter dead-end-dick or lemming tries the insult game with me, so keep going fodder for Thanatos, chase the carrot little muleworm...

Both you and Dub SurgeOn (probably the same [mentally deranged, shit for brains, crazy clown] troll) are idiots for promoting the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. If you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media, then you’re twice the idiot. You are especially fun & funny though, I’ll give you that, with the name calling. You — such the genius researcher on Freemasonry and Masonry and the Illuminati a…

Hypocrisy strikes again from the arrogant ass-sucking worm for willfull ignorance & bigotry- Gary, (he's not jewish,,,,, really!)

Gary squeals - ''you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media

resorting to such childish and trollish insults''

Well you keep missing the joke Gary, Ram IS BEING FUNNY, Creative insults are something we both love and indulge in, we are both from old punk sensibilities. We both get insulted all the time on-line from squealing trolls & typi…

feeble Francis.

You didnt read any of the responses really, it's obvious.

Whoever programmed you must be in some state of terminal ennui from feltching pets all day , just like you Fransesco.

tROT ON worm-mule, Eros has abandoned you.

Frances is a Brit. I’m Gary. Born in Maryland, USA and raised in Illinois and spent my career in Utah. Now living in Michigan. That you can’t tell me from Frances Leader is proof positive that you are a verifiable stupid head.

Feeble Francis.

You called me an idiot & Serge ''a stupid head'' and think that has upset either of us ? You must be a teenager with a religious kink to imagine we're as triggered as you obviously are. We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.

You win last Months - Hypocritical bigot Award- for your incredible performance here of ass dribbling stupidity & conceit.

tROT ON mule-worm, As you are.

“You called me an idiot & Serge ‘a stupid head’ and think that has upset either of us?” No. None of your (at least?) four personalities are “upset”. We’re merely playing the game.

Mar 1, 2024
11:05 AM