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Gene Christian
I write things about the Bible that make you exclaim, “Why hasn’t anyone told me this?!” Things that have always been there, but, like looking at the nighttime sky in the city, the light dims the stars. Come with me to the countryside this evening.
75 subscribers
The Biblical Imagination
By Gene Christian
Sharing biblical insights that make you want to ask, “Why hasn’t anyone taught me this?" They've always been there, but few pastors and teachers, if they know them, have the luxury of time needed to explain.
Reads (28)
Gene Christian
Dec 21
The Biblical Imagination
Ancient Reflections on Christmas
Gene Christian
Oct 28
there, and I ought to listen to her more. It’s taken me a long time to realize
Katelyn Beaty
Gene Christian
Oct 25
The tragic irony of CN is that in the name of Christ, it seemingly fails to recognize the self-sacrificial nature of Jesus' death on the cross and his teachings as a paradigm for the church and the Christian life.
Gene Christian
Gene Christian
Oct 25
The Biblical Imagination
Jesus vs Christian Nationalism
Gene Christian
Oct 9
the normal thing to do”. My high school in late 2000s in Poland seemed like an exact opposite of that. It’s possible that some casual sex happened in my above-average high school, but I didn’t hear
Piotr Pachota
Gene Christian
Oct 9
the normal thing to do”. My high school in late 2000s in Poland seemed like an exact opposite of that. It’s possible that some casual sex happened in my above-average high school, but I didn’t hear
Piotr Pachota
Gene Christian
Oct 8
Here is Drew Strait’s helpful definition, and I know Strait has been working for a long time on this, so I take this definition seriously: A movement where one's God-given theological imagination is hijacked by political power. One’s identity becomes ethno-racial; the context for Christian living is politicized, but in a militarized framework; the ethic perverts the peace ethic and stance of Jesus.
Scot McKnight
Gene Christian
Sep 14
The Biblical Imagination
Heaven? An Adventure In Missing The Point.
Gene Christian
Mar 19
The Biblical Imagination
God's Idol - In A Nutshell
Gene Christian
Mar 9
The Biblical Imagination
God's Idol
Gene Christian
Feb 10, 2024
The Biblical Imagination
The Three-Story World of the Hebrew Imagination
Gene Christian
Feb 5, 2024
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