
You’re not going to believe it! It happened again! Yesterday, same hour as the two previous times, exactly four days after the last one, a beautiful double rainbow appeared yesterday evening!

If someone has a rational explanation, I’d like to hear it because how on earth is it possible?! I felt so much love filling me when my daughter pointed it out, amazed.

I still have trouble understanding what that signs means and if it’s my guides or my recently past stepfather who send them to me, but it’s very powerful! I feel so loved and supported. Who ever is sending double rainbows to me, thank you! I know you are there for me and I am so grateful for it! I love you too.

Ok, guys! Seriously, what are the odds that 2 double rainbows appeared at the exact same place, at the exact same time four days apart by chance?

For, yesterday evening, I was fixing myself something to eat in my kitchen and I saw 2 magnificent twin rainbows by my window at the e…

5 replies
2 Restacks
1:58 PM
May 25, 2024