We’re doin the thing!

At the suggestion of

I’m gonna start doing a Flash Fiction Friday. I know its thursday today in my part of the world, and tbh the Australians are probably headed to work right now so lets give all of us a break.

Here’s what it’ll be!

I’ll make 3 prompts using this format:

1- “write about” something

2- some combination of evocative words

3- a line of dialogue

Take the weekend (or a month, or save it somewhere!) and write some flash fiction and let me know if you use the prompt!

Bonus brownie points if you combine or use all three in one story.

This is kind of like

’s prompts but instead of being his these are MINE and that makes them different. Follow him though if you want even more prompts to trigger your creativity—ive used his for silly vignettes on Notes.

Who knows, maybe ill write something on my own prompts. Maybe ill make this something of a Gibberish feature. Maybe i should make a prompt index…

…wait a prompt index might be cool.

ANYWAY see below for the first trio of prompts, and tune in next week for a more official start and even more prompts!

HERE’S THREE in the same style as the last three I gave you:

1- write about a broken down vehicle that you can’t bring yourself to get rid of

2- different style: wrong person in the right place

3- a quote prompt: “It was supposed to be a surprise, but…”

Nov 17, 2023
1:55 AM