Ok hear me out

A cinematic universe where there is only one superhero. No teams. No supervillains. Just one dude with superpowers.

And, he’s a regular dude who just gets them suddenly.

  • he probably would go to a lot of effort to hide it. Lets assume hes got superman powers—flight, strength, laser eyes. He’d be in the grocery store after he learned he can lift a truck and hes bubbling with anger while the old lady in front of him pays for her groceries with a check.

  • Part 1, teetering on tge moral balance. He’s got bills to pay, mouths to feed. How does he use this power to solve those problems? Theres a real temptation to steal from the bank cuz who could catch him? Who would know? Moral dilemmas.

  • Part 2, he becomes a local hero. Happens to show up places and do things. Community respect solves financial problems from part 1, but no one knows he has powers just think he’s lucky or something. Human brains try very hard to make the extraordinary fit into a box made of the ordinary.

  • Part 3, a deadbeat journalist for national inquirer finds out about this local legend and does a private investigation. Stories are published, secrets are revealed. Most people ignore it because its the national inquirer i mean come on. First bat boy and now this? Spoiler—journalist is going to be our villain. He wants to be taken seriously so he starts trying different things to get noticed, then he decides to do some really risky stuff and live streams it so the world can see in real time our hero acting and trying to cover it up. Boom—got him. Cats out of the bag.

  • Part 4- government tries to do stuff, as governments do. Publicity, fame, celebritas. But hes just a guy, he loses his job, hes struggling to protect his family, to get a reliable income that doesnt rely on him being a hero. Trying to solve mundane problems as a superhuman. He starts feeling boxed in, starts feeling angry, he loses his temper exactly ONE TIME, but its public, and he hurts someone badly. Journalist/villain is there to sensationalise it.

  • Part 5- he tried self harm but cant because hes invincible. He starts a plan to fake his death, make sure his family get insurance money or something, he’ll go live in the woods where he cant hurt anyone. Wont be hard for him to get what he needs. Surrender.

  • Epilogue: strange reports of a man in a remote mountain range lifting and tossing a bear. Article is dismissed, person turns to next page.

Jun 18
1:32 AM