
says most criticism of effective altruism (EA) “doesn’t tackle its core ideas.” I can’t speak to “most criticism,” but MY criticism (…) is (1) EA calculators are no more reliable/objective than are central planners; (2) authoritarian EA (ML: “Some people sincerely think that you’re morally obligated to work in finance to donate all of your money to research that prevents a rogue AI from destroying humanity.”) is dangerous and prone to crowd out reasonable voices; (3) EA is loaded with political activists like SBF who would harness police/taxation powers of the state to implement their ideals; (4) There is virtue in the messy process of humble individuals thinking about charity and making idiosyncratic choices. Happy to read and consider EAers recommendations, but the movement is problematic.

The Case For Effective Altruism
Jul 5, 2023
7:54 PM