I suspect the stress comes from the absolute ephemerality of the “endless feed”. Influencer culture is all about little hits…bang.bang.bang. Of course, Notes is one version of this medium, but Substack in totality swims counter to this trend because users are so closely tied to their own newsletters.
If I see a Note from a new-to-me user, I check out their long form work. It gives me context beyond an avatar and a clever quip. So they got some skin in the game too. Being crazy might be a cheap path to clout, but it may cost long term relationships — and paying subscribers.
We need to elevate the conversation beyond a constant stream of viral vapid verbal jabs. Short chats can be fun, but our culture needs deeper explorations which only comes with effort.
One can keep jimmying the algorithm, but creating a superstructure of good incentives will be more powerful.
The past decade has proven that the “endless feed” is a cruel master, let’s hope that Notes refashions this problematic medium to become a good servant.