Eating from street food stalls is the most overrated travel thing. The food is almost always disgusting and far better versions of the dishes can be found in sit down restaurants with better hygiene, less spoiled oils, and a far more pleasant atmosphere, that doesn’t cost much more.
The notable exception is from established venues in traditional markets — and these are not really stalls, and more like Limited hour restaurants.
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I am the person whose comment on odour you referred to... I describe the odour as unique, nothing else is comparable, it is a sharp chemical type smell. It is strong, overwhelming and as I inhale my body resonates with a feeling of wrongness in which I know in my bones this smell is bad for me. In crowds like a concert I went to after lockdowns ended when everyone was getting vaxxed, it was unbearable and I had to leave. I have CFS and as I said am sensitive to meds, when exposed I experience immediate severe CFS symptoms like malaise, heavy fatigue, brain fog and aching joints like the flu.
Another example is my adult son (24). He is unvaccinated and previously healthy, but his girlfriend is triple vaccinated (all before they met but will have no more) and a student nurse. She is vaccine injured and had a severe immediate reaction after her 2nd dose where she temporarily lost the use of her legs. She now has numerous health issues and literally ticks every box for common vax injuries. Since being with her my son is ill all the time with colds, flu, joint pain, fatigue etc.. I believe due to shedding, interestingly we have noted that when she is back in the hospital on work placement or in lectures with other nurses, all scenarios with highly vaxed people, her health declines even more and so does my son. The pattern is there and he now sees it too. We have spoken at length about this very difficult situation but he is not prepared to do anything. I have given them both supplements to help spike detox, but cannot get hold of any ivemectin. Very concerning situation and frustrating as we all faced discrimination and marginalisation for refusing the jab and I supported my kids strongly to stay to hold the line now this happens.