I’ve seen many YouTube videos about the faked moon landing but I have to admit your post made me long for part two. Well done

Definitely all the “moon” photos are fake. You said it right, who took the photos.

One of the “No brainers” proving the NASAH fakery is the admission they “lost” the technology to return to the moon. I guess they know we could dissect their photo, videos and conversations to prove they are fake.

I love the gold aluminum foil on the lunar modular. See I know all the propaganda terminology.

I was a star trek fan and have watched probably 200 of the 900 shows in the 12 series. NASA should have used the Star Trek stage for their photos. It would have been more realistic:)

Just from my experience Stars become much brighter and more of them as I went higher above sea level. I can only imagine how bright they would be after exiting our atmosphere.

1 Reply
4:22 PM
Jan 16