Hello. I’m wondering if you could cover a story on climate in relation to large scale animal farming? I’ve read it’s the major ecosystem and climate destroyer and certainly an uncomfortable subject for most since the majority of us still consume these products.
I have a little different understanding of these issues. If someone is opposed to eating meat, that’s a personal choice and I respect it. But ecologically, grazing animals can be a great asset.
I know I’ve heard that, and if human population numbers were merely in the tens of millions worldwide I could see this scientifically as a possibility, but when you’re talking about the United States and it’s national population of both rich and poor who can take for granted a daily oversupply of meat and other animal products the science shows this is unsustainable. Even the free range grass fed method of animal farming for such a large population of human consumers is not possible with the la…
All due respect, I cannot embrace your conclusions. Not sure how much you want to engage on this. I can do a zoom or phone call but there are too many interconnected issues to resolve this via written exchange.
I can’t find your comment about your response about the science regarding livestock farming but wanted to ask you, can you explain to me in a way most people can understand where the flaws are in coming to a conclusion that large scale livestock farming is unsustainable? Another thought to consider about continuing this course of continuing to consume large amount of meat and other animal products is, wouldn’t it be easier on workers to process plants rather than stand in an inch or more of blo…
From an ecological standpoint, it’s important to ask where your food comes from. Do you know where your food comes from?
Plant based versus meat is not a meaningful distinction. There are too many variations in each theme. Either can be destructive and either can be regenerative.
If you plow a field, this process kills thousands of animals per acre, actually millions of animals per acre.
I am not thrilled that an animal has to die to feed me, but where does vegan food come from? Is it ethical? …
I am in support of regenerative agriculture as are you and I respect and appreciate the work you are doing. I certainly don’t want you to feel resentful with my comments, I am sorry if I came off that way.If I could afford it I would eat organic, so I’m far from living all my principles. We can definitely improve welfare for farmed animals but from seeing videos by Earthling Ed or Plant based news, investigations are showing maintaining high welfare standards for farm animals are not reliable.…
That kind of amazes me, having done this for so long I am used to feeling resented. I am admittedly an extremist. It used to bother me because years ago it seemed like being called that would help you be perceived as dangerous or not worth listening to, now I know they’re right. Even if my ideas don’t cause you to change what or how you eat, it doesn’t detract from the good you’re doing.
Thank you. I respect people who choose to be vegan. Actually my best friend is vegan. He listens respectfully you me and vice versa. I would never consider changing his choices or commitments. My concerns are ecological in nature.