The problem, FD, is that the training in the U.S. military has been radically softened to accommodate females, homos, lesbians, trannys, and every mongrel and freak imaginable. This rot has even permeated the elite units. There are now female Rangers, the males refer to them contemptuously as, "Rangerettes." They are only required to do a fraction of the physical and mental demands placed upon the men to pass training. Soon, as more and more females fill the training ranks, the military will have no choice but to pussy it out for them all. Again, this holds for the elite units in every branch. Take away their high tech toys of mayhem, and Uncle Saul's, Red, White, and Blue, six pointed star, Woke machine couldn't whip a catholic girls junior high school at tiddly winks. Hardly the training a real warrior requires to succeed in battle.