New Purelink record coming 6/6…
When you hear an old person tell a story for the fifth time…
Let them.
It means it mattered.
And maybe, they just want someone to say, “I’m still listening.”
With love,
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Applalchian Trail this morning. The rocks are alive!! I have never seen such an intense lichen bloom.
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Writing from the heart speaks volumes over shouting from a megaphone.
It’s not about making noise.
It’s about breaking yourself open and letting people see what’s inside.
Not volume- depth.
Not attention- impact.
The words that last aren’t the loudest.
They’re the ones that cut deep and stay with you.
Stop trying to be heard.
Start writing like your life depends on it.