
“A textbook should cite that 'gender' is a working linguistic term which, when inappropriately applied to human sexuality, has no basis in empirical physical, medical, or any other scientific reality.”

Why? Seems like you’re in the position of asserting that people who say “deux plus deux égal quatre” are flat-out wrong, and need to be summarily shot.

If what some people MEAN by “gender” is “sexually dimorphic personality traits” — and many people do so — and if you accept that such dimorphism exists then maybe you just need to listen to what they’re saying, and not what you think they’re saying or want them to be saying with that word?

And you DO accept that such dimorphism exists? If not then you might want to take a look at this article, co-authored by

, and particularly the joint probability distribution therein and the data that supports it:…
