We just read the Renz Law piece. He says he can’t “ethically” file a case to stop Big Pharma without around $6.8Million dollars. To put this into perspective let us realize that IOJ got paid ZERO - yes we have raised NEGATIVE money so far lol - it sucks but its our moral duty to TRY OUR VERY BEST! Yes, the IOJ co founders have spent our own lifesavings to self fund the only real case to take the shots entirely off the market and go against big pharma. Injunction appeal hearing is November 9 to stop all covid vaccines and the main case has to be filed 15 days after we win the precautionary measure to stop the shots. Its obscene that Tom Renz is grifting for 5-7 million dollars before filing the case - and we cant even comment unless he is paid. We need funding for the case IN PROCESS. We started it with nothing but the shirt on our back. We hardly need 5-6 million to speak the key truths and get the rulings to stop the cabal. What we need is dogged persistence and IOJ to be adequately funded to just stay alive and pay the bills and witness fees ordered by the court - not a huge team - not enormous funding. We don’t have what we need for the next months bills, let alone the hearing or witness fees. Renz is making excuses to make a fuck load of a lot of money for clearly lazy attorneys who - if they gave a shit - would have filed injunctions similar to what we filed long ago. Just ranting because its really annoying to have no real help in this unless others get something first. Where is the love? Legal love costs $6million dollars apparently. Jeeze Louise - if these are the ones coming to save us we are doomed… unless we raise Tom Renz a ton of fiat for his non volunteer team of expensive attorneys. In that case IOJ will just do as non attorneys what the BAR attorneys wont do - due to “ethics”. Its unethical to start and file for attorney’s without $6M to finish their case? Its absurd and we can simply do better by doing more - regardless of the funding. We would be homeless, sleep in a tent, beg for food and STILL write the documents on time at a coffeeshop using free wi-fi and get through the case because its bigger than us - this is Gods work for humanity and it MUST be done NOW before its too late. So ashamed of paid attorneys right now who literally failed us all. By the time he raises the $ it will be too late to reverse many horrors! Kindof passionate over here - excuse our over the top passion - but it is that same “oh hell no” type passion that will carry IOJ through to victory. Just you watch those big pharma nutballs LOSE. Tom could have filed against big pharma and the Govt ON SIMPLE POINTS FOR SURE. Not buying it - not for $6M - thats for sure! Maybe we will subpoena Tom Renz to get his stuff on the record since he wont file or volunteer it if we think its critical to the case. Honestly, there are many arguments and proofs to take the Health Monopoly and their non vaccine biological agents experiments down. If Tom is out of the game without a huge bankroll - we still have plenty of evidence to stop the illegal atrocities. Would be nice if the attorneys would make us cheat sheets of their evidence and come testify though rather than say nothing can be done without a ton of money.
