This is WILD!! Wonderful performance!

I have been immersing myself in The Charlotte Pendragon Diaries since I first found her on Substack.

The reflectivities and profound implications I experience between Charlotte's intersections and those of the survivors-led Intuitive network I coordinate have been moving to me.

This is still challenging for me to verbalize, but very powerful.

Particularly since I read about her experiences around Keith Raniere (in this post: charlottependragon.subs…).

The subjects and circumstances we navigate in the Intuitive network in regards to human trafficking — sexual violence (the distortion and commodification of relationship and of intimacy), the marvelous powers of the physical (and more-than-physical) body, studies of metaphysics, and illusion and invisibility — have amazing, illuminating interconnections with realms of stage magic; with physical strengths-building forms of performance acumen; and with popular world-scale entertainment, too.

Charlotte's threads in this post about eros are tremendously activating for me, because in talking about eros we're talking about the sexual vitality and primal life force energy that predatory influences seek to harness, control, and extract through commodification of living beings. The life energy we must reclaim, protect, and most honorably increase.

For Charlotte to be discussing her experiences of her performance career and her intensive, athletic, full-body, total physical commitment stage magic... has weavings for me with what survivors of the most extreme and invisible intersections are experiencing.

There's a lot here; including some especially important aspects I look forward to saying more about a different time.

Verbalizing about all of this, I feel, is going to be a rewarding part of unfolding more of the solutions to the invisible violence going on at those intersections.

Many thanks to Charlotte Pendragon for sharing these stories. They are riveting!

Nov 18, 2023
5:32 PM