The app for independent voices

Look at the three communists (democrats) mentioned in this essay, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and AOC, none of these people truly represent the American Citizen.

Here’s something a little off topic but again shows how we are not represented by these elites.

Not sure if you all are aware that the eastern front of the war in the Ukraine (The Donbas (Donets coal basin) has fallen to the Russians. Morale among the Ukrainian army has collapsed as well. This additional 8 billion dollars that Kamala Harris gave Zelenskyy is a desperate attempt to extend the war until Election Day. Harris Biden have spent 250 billion tax payer dollars, promising victory over and over again in this war. If the killings and the destruction of city after city were to stop with a Russian victory and a decimated Ukrainian defeat the American citizen, who are on the hook for this waisted quarter of a trillion dollars, will again be awoken to another Harris Biden deception of monstrous proportions.

Meanwhile our Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), controlled by the Department of Homeland Security (Mayorkas), is completely unable to assist the millions devastated by Hurricane Helene because FEMA has been delegated to settling the 25 million illegals throughout America leaving crumbs of manpower and money for the American citizen. Mayorkas yesterday all but said DHS is broke and then mumbled “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates”(sorry he reminds me of Forest Gump). I have only heard that there have been No sightings of FEMA anywhere. No federal rescues, no federal food drops, no federal water drops. The people in the southeast United States have been abandoned by the Harris Biden administration, even coming from me I’ve never seen such an incompetent slap in the face response by any administration, they are despicable people, Kamala, offering 750 dollars to people that have lost everything including thousands of loved ones.

In the meantime they spend hundreds (400) of billions of dollars on Illegal aliens and war. This is why Trump is going to crush Kamala in November. If they are able to install Kamala in January and steal this election like they stole it in 2020, I believe it will be a blatantly obvious final blow to this republic, America. J.Goodrich

Oct 3
3:22 PM