
One thing you may not know about [Claudine] Gay is that she is the daughter of Haitian immigrants. And not just any Haitian immigrants. Her father is vice president of Haiti’s sole ready-mix concrete supplier, GDG Béton. (Her uncle happens to be president.) This may explain how she was able to attend the exclusive Phillips Exeter Academy – a $67,000 a year boarding school that boasts Lincolns and Rockefellers among its alumni.

Born overseas to an elite Haitian family, Gay exemplifies one of the most pressing social trends affecting the poor island country: brain drain. -Noah Carl

I don’t think brain drain is actually such an issue when it comes to Gay, actually… but wealth drain certainly is, as well as shocking hypocrisy. She made her career writing about anti-colonialism and social justice while living on millions sucked out of the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? In her defense, it’s possible she didn’t actually read any of the papers she published before copying and pasting from other writers (who themselves were probably all privileged, I bet).

Why is Haiti such a mess?
Widespread corruption and economic stagnation – the poor island country is a mess. But Haiti's problems go beyond low average test scores.