The main stream media has failed completely and many people are searching for reliable, and truthful, news coverage. I personally am subscribed to Substack and many other independent newsletter that have cropped up with many of them "refugees" of the large media companies. I trust these new sources.
The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. It's not enough for the NY Times to print an OP-ED that excoriates Trump and says he's unfit for office, but then they print articles supporting him. They want Trump to win because long term that's what helps them.
They can stage fake wwf battles while actually helping each other profit!
I can’t wait to watch Trump lose epically to a woman of color.
I can’t wait to wear this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt on November 5t…
When she wins, I'll probably be sobbing. Seriously. With joy, of course.
The Dems have a MASSIVE ground game. As I understand the reports I'm reading, Trump has almost nothing out there. It's all mean speeches and bad ads.
What's funny was I saw one of his mailers from a bit of a distance. All I could see on it was the name Kamala and a fairly flattering photo of her face. These people are idiots.
Unfortunately, the Trump cult is a collection of people ranging from those having below average intelligence to complete idiots. They are easily brainwashed and they’re inherent prejudices and bigotry are being fed a daily diet of violent rhetoric. They are eating up every word about “immigrant criminals slitting your throat in your kitchen“ bullshit; so with a large segment of the population being this unbearably stupid, I will be a nervous wreck until I see Kamala installed in the White House. And yes, I will be crying too, tears of joy.