Jenn Lim 

I'm a working mom in San Francisco who's passionate about mental health, self-care and growth. Follow my journey to living a more balanced, authentic, and fulfilling life in work, marriage, motherhood and beyond!
Overcoming the feeling of “I’m not good enough”
Straying from societal expectations: How I improved my relationship with work (Part 2)
Straying from societal expectations: How I improved my relationship with work (Part 1)
Straying from societal expectations: Deciding whether or not to have more than one child
Step 4 in undoing burnout and anxiety: Letting go of control
Step 3 in undoing burnout and anxiety: Creating habits and boundaries around the things that matter to you
I put in a fraction of my effort at work and the outcome was the same as when I was burning myself out at work
Dealing with feelings of stagnation and lack of progress
The power of one of my morning rituals: getting dressed (despite working from home) and sharing a picture
Step 2 in undoing burnout and anxiety: Identify what’s truly meaningful in your life
Step 1 in undoing burnout and anxiety: Confront the damn thing