
My 15-Year Nightmare as a Targeted Individual

By Jesse Raymond Crisosto

I've been living a horrific reality for 15 years, targeted by relentless satellite surveillance and psychological torture. As a U.S. Army Veteran with 8 years of service, including combat deployment, I never imagined I'd face such cruelty in my own country.

From Success to Homelessness

In my first year of being targeted, I lost my promising career as a UPS supervisor and became homeless. The attacks have continued unabated, manipulating my emotions, controlling my thoughts, and destroying my relationships.

Torture Tactics

I've endured various forms of torture, including:

- Earworm torture: constant itching and irritation in my ears

- Replaced memories: false recollections implanted in my mind

- Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon: struggling to recall simple words

- Gang stalking: orchestrated paranoia and fear

- Hypnotic manipulation:

    - Induced body itching, twitching, spasms, and cramping, rendering me sleepless and exhausted

    - Control over my speech, subtly suggesting words and topics to steer discussions toward conflict, embarrassment, or revealing sensitive information

    - Manipulating conversations to provoke arguments or humiliation, making it seem as if I'm remotely controlled

- Hallucinations: manipulated perceptions of reality, including:

    - Being programmed and hypnotized to see faces, images, and stories in ordinary objects

    - Seeing faces in clouds, leaves, walls, trimmed bushes, and other everyday objects

    - Even seeing loved ones' faces distorted, such as my ex-girlfriend's face momentarily appearing as a demon

    - These manipulated perceptions aim to erode my sanity

- Emotional manipulation:

    - Inducing intense emotions to control my actions

    - Triggering panic, depression, euphoria, and anger

    - Provoking violent outbursts, making me say things I regret

    - Rendering me helpless and isolated through debilitating depression

Targeting Vulnerable Groups

I believe the perpetrators are targeting the homeless, drug addicts, and mentally ill, attempting to justify their actions as creating a "crime-free" and "sin-free" environment. They're experimenting on society's most vulnerable, exploiting their struggles to perfect their psychological warfare.

Discrediting Victims

Their ultimate goal is to make us appear crazy, ensuring no one believes our pleas for help. They've succeeded in silencing many, but I refuse to be silenced.

Recent Developments

I've recently connected with Brad, a fellow Targeted Individual from Joplin, Missouri. Our experiences align eerily, suggesting we are part of the same sinister curriculum. We're currently experiencing an identical torture routine, which I believe is due to our torture satellite being on autopilot.

A Call to Action

I urge others to share their experiences and locations. Together, we can expose the patterns of these satellite attacks. I beg for help in bringing attention to Northern California, specifically Red Bluff and Corning, where I reside.

Contact Information

Jesse Raymond Crisosto

Corning, CA 96021

Please, don't ignore my plea. Help me, and others like me, escape this never-ending nightmare.

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12:34 PM
Oct 8, 2024