Lots of lies told by Tedros Ghebreyesus on February 11, 2020 at the WHO press conference:

“It's a matter of political, social and economic upheavals. It can affect all areas of society and that's why we have to take it seriously.

The world, when it talks about terrorism - and imagine the level of preparation and so on; it's immense.

To be honest, a virus is more powerful in creating political, economic and social upheaval than any terrorist attack, believe it or not.

I was a foreign minister in one of my hats, discussing terrorism and so on but a virus can have more powerful consequences than any terrorist action and that's true.

If the world doesn't want to wake up and consider this enemy virus as public enemy number one I don't think we will learn our lessons.

It's the number one enemy to the whole world and to the whole of humanity and that's why we have to do everything to invest in health systems, to invest in preparedness and that's why

I always say, that's what wakes me up at night and it should wake all of us up at night. It's the worst enemy you can imagine. It can create havoc, politically, economically and socially.” who.int/docs/default-so…

Jul 2
11:12 PM